Elephant Database
African Elephant Specialist Group

Population Survey

Phenotype: Forest (based on geographical location)
Data contributed by peter.mwangi@iucn.org, last updated 23/05/2012
Report restricted by data provider
1976 km²
Recorded at stratum level
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A foot survey of large mammals, including elephants, using the dung count method. The dung count survey was carried out from October 2006 to April 2007. The whole area (2000 km2) has two strata (Birougou National Park & its buffer zone). Total effort was 40 two-kilometre transects (79.5km) along which 122 dungpiles were recorded. Just over 300 elephants were estimated (95% cl 168-554) after dung with "E" class were removed; the park on its own having 89 elephants. Decay rate used comes from Lope, which is nearby, but at rather lower altitudes (Birougou is a mountainous area). The Park was actually gazetted for its botanical interest rather than mammalian interest but as time goes on will become- presumably- more isolated and of increasing importance for elephants and other larger animals. 2015-10-06 One elephant was reported as seen in the field, and had been originally entered but has now been removed as it would confuse readers when adding up definite elephants (the rest of which come from Lopé)--JB. 2015-10-05 — The reason for change was originally given by the AED Officer as a NP, but in fact this survey replaces (in part) the 1998 estimate for "Rest of Gabon" forest range, and so the reason for change has been now corrected to DT. --JB.
Source:Aba'a, R. N. and Bezangoye, A. N. (2007). 'Estimation de la densite, de l' abondance et de la distribution relative des grands mammiferes et I' impact des activites anthropiques au Parc National des Monts Birougou et ses environs: Etablissement d'une ligne de base pour le monitoring'. Republique Gabonaise: Conseil National des Parcs Nationaux, Parc National des Monts Birougou.
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