Elephant Database
African Elephant Specialist Group

Population Survey

Phenotype: Forest with hybrid (based on genetic evidence gathered on-site)
Data contributed by peter.mwangi@iucn.org, last updated 22/10/2022
Creative Commons License
2733 km²
Both wet and dry seasons
Recorded at stratum level
Show aggregates
The elephant survey of the Benin part of the W-Arli-Pendjari Ecosystem. It was carried out using the aerial total count method with a fixed wing Cessna aircraft from May to early June 2012 at the end of dry season and the beginning of the rainy season.
Source:Bouché, P. (2012b). 'Inventaire aérien de l’écosystème W-Arly-Pendjari Mai – Juin 2012'. CITES-MIKE Programme, West Africa Sub-region.
IUCNSpecies Survival Commission

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