The elephant estimates for Laikipia-Samburu Ecosystem from the survey carried out in November 2012 using the aerial total count method. 13 fixed wing Cessna air crafts were used for the 5 day survey exercise of the Laikipia-Samburu and Marsabit Ecosystems.
Source:Ngene, S., Mukeka, J., Ihwagi, F., Mathenge, J., Wandera, A., Anyona, G., Tobias, N., Kawira, L., Muthuku, I., Kathiwa, J., Gacheru, P., Davidson, Z., King, J. and Omondi, P. (2013).'Total aerial count of elephants, Grevy’s Zebra and other large mammals in Laikipia-Samburu-Marsabit Ecosystem in (November 2012)'. Nairobi, Kenya: Kenya Wildlife Service.