Elephant Database
African Elephant Specialist Group

Population Survey

Phenotype: Savanna (based on geographical location)
Data contributed by peter.mwangi@iucn.org, last updated 19/06/2013
Report restricted by data provider
891 km²
The elephant estimates in Gagal - Yapala Area (currently called Kamkel area) in the Logone Occidental/Mayo Kebbi Ouest region. The method used to derive the estimates was an informed guess. It is important to note that these elephants have transboundary movements between Chad and Cameroon at different seasons of the year.
Source:Malachie, D., Antonínová, M. (2013). "Rapport de la mission de pose colliers telemetriques aux Elephants du Tchad". Chad: African Parks & Direction des Parcs Nationaux du Tchad & Ministère d’Environnement et les Ressources Halieutiques du Tchad.
IUCNSpecies Survival Commission

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