Elephant Database
African Elephant Specialist Group

Population Survey

Burkina Faso
Phenotype: Forest (based on genetic evidence gathered on-site)
Data contributed by peter.mwangi@iucn.org, last updated 18/07/2022
Creative Commons License
1976 km²
The estimates of elephant from the aerial total count carried out in Deux Balé National Park and Mare aux Hippopotames Reservé from 29th March to 2 April 2013. The count was carried out using a Cessna 172 Skyhawk II fixed wing aircraft. Due to uncertainty and underestimation of the aerial total count with 2 herds totaling 35 to 40 individuals counted through continuous observation of elephants during the "My Elephant Neighbor" educational program made between 2007 and 2012, the estimates were submitted as an informed guess.
Source:Bouché, P., Sombié, D., Sawadogo, H. and Marchais, J. (2013). 'Boucle du Mouhoun aerial total count Burkina Faso - March-April 2013'. Burkina Faso: Ministѐre de I'Environnement et du Développement Durable Secrétariat Général, Office National des Aires Protégées and Des Eléphant et des Hommes.
IUCNSpecies Survival Commission

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