This dataset comprises aerial sample count data from a survey conducted in Gonarezhou National Park, Zimbabwe, in October 2014. The survey was conducted using a Cessna 185, giving an estimated elephant population of 11 452 based on a coverage of 11.9% of the survey area of 5 339 km². This population estimate represents a 6% per annum increase in the elephant population 1995 - 2014. The all-carcass ratio was observed to be 4.4%. If it is assumed that all unidentified carcasses were in fact elephant carcasses, then the all-carcass ratio increases to 6.6% (a reasonable assumption, since it is noted that there are no other large bodied mammals in Gonarezhou).
*** Data capturer notes: ***
All 2014 Zimbabwe surveys were conducted using the same methodology, which appears robust, and the reports are of high quality. In this instance, details of transect lengths were omitted for the Chitsa S and Malapati strata, where no elephants were observed.
The report mentions that the location of the park boundary seems to be disputed by the local community: this is apparent by the incursions of domestic animals in parts of the Chitsa S stratum, which was delineated according to the official park boundary for the purposes of the survey.
Source:Dunham, K. M., & van der Westhuizen, H. F. (2015). Aerial Survey of Elephants and other Large Herbivores in Gonarezhou National Park and Save Valley Conservancy (Zimbabwe): 2014. Frankfurt Zoological Society.