Elephant Database
African Elephant Specialist Group

Population Survey

South Sudan
Phenotype: Savanna with hybrid (based on genetic evidence gathered on-site)
Data contributed by peter.mwangi@iucn.org, last updated 23/10/2022
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26711 km²
15 transects
No strata
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The aerial survey of wildlife, including elephants, in Southern National Park using the aerial sample count i.e. systematic aerial assessment. The survey was carried out during the dry season (January to February) of 2007.
Source:Fay, M., Elkan, P., Marjan, M. and Grossmann F. (2007). 'Aerial surveys of wildlife , livestock and human activity in and around existing and proposed protected areas of Southern Sudan, dry season 2007, phase I'. Juba, South Sudan: Wildlife Conservation Society.
500 km
Leaflet | AfESG
IUCNSpecies Survival Commission

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