Elephant Database
African Elephant Specialist Group

Aerial Sample Stratum/Block

Phenotype: Forest with hybrid (based on genetic evidence gathered on-site)
Data contributed by tara.daniel@iucn.org, last updated 21/10/2022
Report restricted by data provider
685 km²
No strata
Show aggregates

Djona Hunting Zone

Internal name:
Stratum/block area (km²): 1216
Population estimate: 0
Variance: 0.0
Standard error: 0.0
Value of t used to calculate 95% confidence interval: 1.96
Degrees of freedom:
95% confidence interval: 0.0
95% lower confidence limit: 0
95% upper confidence limit: 0
Check if no estimate of precision available: false
Sampling intensity:
Number of transects covered:
Total length of transects covered (in km):
Number of elephants seen inside the transects:
Number of elephants seen outside the transects:
Number of Fresh or Recent Carcasses (Categ. 1 and 2):
Number of Old Carcasses (Categ. 3):
Number of Very Old Carcasses (Categ. 4):
IUCNSpecies Survival Commission

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