Elephant Database
African Elephant Specialist Group

Dung Count (Line Transects) Stratum/Block

Phenotype: Forest (based on geographical location)
Data contributed by peter.mwangi@iucn.org, last updated 18/05/2012
Report restricted by data provider
2035 km²
Recorded at stratum level
Show aggregates

Goaso Northern Forest (Mpameso area)

Internal name:
Stratum/block area (km²): 970
Population estimate: 90
Standard error:
Value of t used to calculate 95% confidence interval:
Degrees of freedom:
95% confidence interval: 41.0
95% lower confidence limit: 49
95% upper confidence limit: 131
Check if no estimate of precision available: false
Asymmetric lower confidence interval: 49
Asymmetric upper confidence interval: 131
Number of transects covered: 53
Total length of transects covered (in km): 53.0
Effective strip width:
Number of observations (encounters): 65
How were distances to observations estimated?: Using instruments
Number of elephants seen: 0
Number of dungpile on which the decay estimate is based: 126
Was dung decay rate measured on site, and if so, how?: Retrospectively
Dung decay estimate used (days): 54.0
Site where decay rate was measured: Mpameso elephant range
Date (year) in which decay rate was measured: 2007
Dung decay rate - bibliographical reference:
Standard error: 5.56
Value of t:
Degrees of freedom:
95% Confidence interval:
95% lower confidence limit:
95% upper confidence limit:
Check if no estimate of precision available: false
Was defecation rate measured on-site?: false
Estimate of defecation rate used (days): 19.0
Site where the defecation rate was measured: Santchou Reserve, Cameroon
Defecation rate - bibliographical reference: Tchamba, 1992
Variance: 0.911
Standard error: 0.23
Value of t:
Degrees of freedom:
95% Confidence interval:
95% lower confidence limit:
95% upper confidence limit:
Check if no estimate of precision available: false
Estimate of dung density: 100
Standard error:
Value of t:
Degrees of freedom:
95% Confidence interval: 41.0
95% lower confidence limit: 59.71
95% upper confidence limit: 141.73
Asymmetric upper confidence interval: 149
Asymmetric lower confidence interval: 67
Check if no estimate of precision available: false
Dung encounter rate: 1.0
IUCNSpecies Survival Commission

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