Elephant Database
African Elephant Specialist Group

Kenya, 1995

All Years for Kenya: 201620132007200219981995

1995 Summary Totals for Kenya

Data Category Definite Probable Possible Speculative
Aerial or Ground Total Counts13,558000
Aerial or Ground Sample Counts2761,0281,0280
Dung Counts04,2451,7400
Informed Guesses, Undocumented Aerial or Dung Surveys and GIS Extrapolations003,679924

No changes between current and previous report.

Kenya : Elephant Estimates

Survey Details2 Number of Elephants Area Map Location
Input ZoneTypeReliab.YearEstimate95% C.L. SourcePFS3 (km²) Lon. Lat.
Aberdare National Park and ForestIG3D19902,500Reuling et al., 1992a; Mulama, 199522,000 36.7E 0.4S
Amboseli National ParkIR1A1995870Moss, 19953365 37.2E 2.6S
Arabuko Sokoke ForestDC3D199178 12*Gesicho, 19913372 39.9E 3.3S
Galana RanchAT2A199446 0Douglas-Hamilton et al., 199426,382 39.5E 2.6S
Garissa DistrictAS2B1988176 340Grunblatt et al., 1995143,623 40.2E 0.5S
Imenti Forest nsDC3D199492 279*Njumbi & Litoroh, 19944100
Kilifi DistrictAS2B199334 46Grunblatt et al., 1995212,475 39.8E 3.3S
Kitui DistrictAS2B1993830 826Grunblatt et al., 199521,602 38.4E 1.2S
Lamu DistrictAS2B1993264 508Grunblatt et al., 199525,964 40.8E 2.0S
Loroki ForestDC3D1992307 265*Mwangi et al., 19923596 36.8E 1.1N
Marsabit National ReserveAT3A1993267 0Litoroh et al., 19944142 38.0E 2.2N
Masai Mara Game ReserveAT3A19941,098 0Dublin & Watkin, 199431,530 35.1E 1.5S
Mau Forest ComplexDC3D1992250 50*Reuling et al., 1992c31,065 35.5E 0.5S
Meru National Park and Bisanadi National ReserveAT3A1992264 0Litoroh, 199231,348 38.3E 0.1N
Mt Elgon National Park and ForestDC3D199152 68*Reuling et al., 1992a4125 34.6E 1.0N
Mt Kenya National Park and Forest ReserveDC2C19914,245 1,740Reuling et al., 1992a21,367 37.3E 0.2S
Mwea National ReserveAT3A199548 0Njumbi et al., 1995; Sakwa et al., 1995442 37.6E 0.8S
Nasalot NR, South Turkana NR and Kerio ValleyAT3A1992580 0Mbugua, 199225,050 35.6E 1.5N
Outside Masai Mara Game ReserveAT3A1994387 0Dublin & Watkin, 199421,978 35.3E 1.4S
Outside Meru National Park nsIG3D100Njumbi, pers comm. 19951
Remainder of TsavoAT2A199426 0Douglas-Hamilton et al., 199422,354 39.3E 3.4S
RomboAT2A1994446 0Douglas-Hamilton et al., 199431,185 37.7E 3.1S
Samburu and LaikipiaAT2A19922,969 0Thouless, 199227,485 37.1E 0.8N
Shimba Hills National ReserveDC3D1992300 250*Reuling et al, 1992b3217 39.4E 4.3S
Taita AreaAT2A1994287 0Douglas-Hamilton et al., 199425,886 38.6E 3.7S
Tsavo National ParkAT2A19946,270 0Douglas-Hamilton et al., 1994120,574 38.6E 3.0S

* Range of informed guess

1Key to Causes of Change (only tracked since 2007): DA: Different Area; DD: Data Degraded; DT: Different Technique; NA: New Analysis; NG: New Guess; NP: New population; PL: Population Lost; RS: Repeat Survey (RS ́ denotes a repeat survey that is not statistically comparable for reasons such as different season); –––: No Change

2Key to Survey Types: AC: Aerial Count, not specified; AS: Aerial Sample Count; AT: Aerial Total Count; DC: Dung Count; EX: Extrapolation from GIS; GD: Genetic Dung Count; GS: Ground Sample Count; GT: Ground Total Count; IG: Informed Guess; IR: Individual Registration; OG: Other Guess. Survey Type is followed by an indicator of survey quality, ranked from 1 to 3 (best to worst). Survey Reliability is keyed A-E (best to worst) as outlined in this table.

3PFS: Priority for Future Surveys, ranked from 1 to 5 (highest to lowest). Based on the precision of estimates and the proportion of national range accounted for by the site in question, PFS is a measure of the importance and urgency for future population surveys. All areas of unassessed range have a priority of 1. See Introduction for details on how the PFS is derived.

IUCNSpecies Survival Commission

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