Elephant Database
African Elephant Specialist Group

Tanzania, 2002

All Years for Tanzania: 201620132007200219981995

2002 Summary Totals for Tanzania

Data Category Definite Probable Possible Speculative
Aerial or Ground Total Counts1,764000
Direct Sample Counts and Reliable Dung Counts90,38417,23117,2310
Informed Guesses30501,2701,150
Other Guesses0001,135

No changes between current and previous report.

Tanzania : Elephant Estimates

Survey Details2 Number of Elephants Area Map Location
Input ZoneTypeReliab.YearEstimate95% C.L. SourcePFS3 (km²) Lon. Lat.
Burigi-Biharamulo EcosystemAS3B2000761 821Mduma pers. comm., 2002a27,295 31.3E 2.4S
Inyonga Game Conservation AreasOG3E2002600Angelides, 200326,050 32.8E 6.8S
Katavi National ParkAS3B20024,897 4,465Conservation Information Monitoring Unit, 2003b34,332 31.3E 6.9S
Katavi-Rukwa (Outside)AS3B2002591 804Conservation Information Monitoring Unit, 2003b33,864 31.3E 6.9S
Kilimanjaro National ParkDC2E1990220 88Tanzania Wildlife Conservation Monitoring, 19924418 37.3E 3.0S
Kilombero Game Controlled AreaAS3B20026,203 4,639Conservation Information Monitoring Unit, 2003a26,006 36.3E 8.5S
Longido Game Conservation AreaAT3A200270Conservation Information Monitoring Unit, 2003d34,759 36.6E 2.8S
Maswa Makau Hunting BlockIG3D2002100 50*Hurt pers. comm., 200231,019 34.7E 3.5S
Maswa & Ngorongoro Conservation AreaAT3E1992315Farm pers. comm., 199534,275 34.8E 3.2S
Mikumi National ParkAS3B20021,144 923Conservation Information Monitoring Unit, 2003a33,069 37.2E 7.4S
Mikumi (Outside)AS3B2002578 594Conservation Information Monitoring Unit, 2003a31,138 37.2E 7.3S
Mkomazi Game ReserveAT3A200263Omondi et al., 2002d33,509 38.3E 4.2S
Moyowosi-Kigosi Game ReserveAS2B20002,861 956Mduma pers. comm., 2002a221,870 31.3E 4.2S
Niensi & Luganzo Hunting BlocksIG3D2002800 800*Hurt pers. comm., 200228,268 31.0E 5.4S
Piti East Hunting BlockIG3D2002200 100*Hurt pers. comm., 200232,223 33.3E 7.1S
Ruaha National ParkAS3B200211,827 4,161Conservation Information Monitoring Unit, 2003c210,232 34.6E 7.5S
Ruaha-Rungwa (Outside)AS3B20022,271 1,520Conservation Information Monitoring Unit, 2003c217,203 34.4E 6.8S
Rubondo Island National ParkIG3D200220Borner pers. comm., 20034400 31.8E 2.3S
Rukwa Game ReserveAS3B2002263 339Conservation Information Monitoring Unit, 2003b33,666 31.9E 7.2S
Rungwa Game ReserveAS3B200210,005 3,849Conservation Information Monitoring Unit, 2003c28,636 34.1E 6.9S
Rungwa South Hunting BlockIG3D2002400 200*Hurt pers. comm., 200233,658 33.6E 7.6S
Saadani Game ReserveIG3D199855Mduma pers. comm., 2002a32,753 38.8E 6.0S
Selous Game ReserveAS3B200239,907 11,464Conservation Information Monitoring Unit, 2003a242,843 37.5E 8.8S
Selous-Masasi CorridorAS2B20001,076 107Mduma pers. comm., 2002b214,082 37.9E 10.8S
Selous-Niassa CorridorAS3B20002,486 937Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute, 2000210,110 36.6E 11.1S
Selous (Outside)AS3B200217,979 8,908Conservation Information Monitoring Unit, 2003a227,722 37.4E 9.4S
SerengetiAT3A20001,631Mduma pers. comm., 2002c216,860 34.8E 2.3S
Tarangire National ParkAS2B19992,299 1,880Tanzania Wildlife Conservation Monitoring, 200032,597 36.1E 4.1S
Tarangire (Outside)AS2B1999556 723Tanzania Wildlife Conservation Monitoring, 200026,761 36.3E 4.1S
Ugalla River Game ReserveAS3B19991,911 1,313Mduma pers. comm., 2002a27,252 31.9E 5.8S

* Range of informed guess

1Key to Causes of Change (only tracked since 2007): DA: Different Area; DD: Data Degraded; DT: Different Technique; NA: New Analysis; NG: New Guess; NP: New population; PL: Population Lost; RS: Repeat Survey (RS ́ denotes a repeat survey that is not statistically comparable for reasons such as different season); –––: No Change

2Key to Survey Types: AC: Aerial Count, not specified; AS: Aerial Sample Count; AT: Aerial Total Count; DC: Dung Count; EX: Extrapolation from GIS; GD: Genetic Dung Count; GS: Ground Sample Count; GT: Ground Total Count; IG: Informed Guess; IR: Individual Registration; OG: Other Guess. Survey Type is followed by an indicator of survey quality, ranked from 1 to 3 (best to worst). Survey Reliability is keyed A-E (best to worst) as outlined in this table.

3PFS: Priority for Future Surveys, ranked from 1 to 5 (highest to lowest). Based on the precision of estimates and the proportion of national range accounted for by the site in question, PFS is a measure of the importance and urgency for future population surveys. All areas of unassessed range have a priority of 1. See Introduction for details on how the PFS is derived.

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